Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Can Go week 6

Go has moved from a small startup to a recognized growth company having a recent IPO offering. CanGo is currently lacking in a critical area for any business. It needs to focus on Strategic Planning. Strategic Planning will benefit CanGo by allowing it to: 1. Clearly define its goals consistently with its Mission and Vision statement. 2. Communicate effectively its goals to all of the organization. 3. Provide a foundation on which to direct future efforts. CanGo has the layers for a hierarchical organization. CanGo will work well within a matrix management structure.Matrix management pools a group of people together with similar skills to work on different projects. Weights are usually assigned to criteria based on the importance of the criteria to the decision maker, and criteria are rarely of equal importance to a decision maker. The synthesis of an alternative is mainly done on the basis of prioritized objectives. When a suitable process is decided and applied to a problem, rating of the alternatives can be converted into ranks, based basically on the preferences of a decision maker.Once the a list of key features is arrived at, they are ordered from most to least important. Ranking is determined according to: * Personal preferences. * Relationship with disciplinary preferences. * In terms of their meaning. It is also important to identify other features that are used in the decision maker's comprehensive evaluation that aren't being used in his criteria-based evaluation. The list may also be needed to be revised and checked if it suits the decision maker's initial requirements.When this process is completed, the decision maker's assessment should reflect in the rankings given to specific features. When the decision maker has a good sense of the criteria and the overall assessment is well aligned, it ‘s time to assign weights to criteria. Weights are always assigned strictly based on the logic of the decision making authorities, but they are not always assigned keeping Just quantitative results in mind, sometimes, weights can also be assigned to criteria for purely qualitative purposes.

Harlem Renaissance Essay

I. Introduction The Atlantic slave trade caused the large movement of Africans across different parts of the world largely in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. This African Diaspora brought about eleven million of black people in the New World (P. Larson. â€Å"Reconsidering Trauma, Identity, and the African Diaspora: Enslavement and Historical Memory in Nineteenth-Century Highland Madagascar†). The descendants of those that were brought in the Americas, chiefly those in the United States working as slaves in the south, later experienced another diaspora: moving from the south to the north to escape the hardships brought about by intense racial discrimination. A large portion had settled in the city of Harlem, New York City which opened up a surge of excellent creative works done by blacks and became in vogue for some time. This period came to be known as the Harlem Renaissance, also variously known as the New Negro Movement, or the New Negro Renaissance. This was a period of outstanding creativity expressed in visual arts, writings, and music during this large movement of black population, wherein the African-American Diaspora has moved into larger cities. It changed the character of black American artworks, from conventional imitations of white artists to sophisticated explorations and expressions of black life and culture that revealed and stimulated a new confidence and racial pride. The movement centered in the vast black ghetto of Harlem, in New York City, thus the name of the movement. Harlem became the place of gathering for aspiring black artists, writers, and musicians, sharing their experiences and providing mutual encouragement for one another. The term Harlem â€Å"Renaissance† is a misnomer. If measured by quantity alone, it was more a birth than a â€Å"rebirth†, for never before had so many black Americans produced so much literary, artistic, and scholarly material at the same time. If measured by quality, however, it was actually a continuum, the quickening of a lively stream fed earlier by the important works of poet Paul Laurence Dunbar, novelist and short story writer Charles W. Chestnutt, poet and novelist Hames Weldon Johnson and the essays of Du Bois. The Harlem Renaissance created a significant breakthrough, wherein it marked the first time wherein literary and artistic works done by African Americans gained in national attention and interest. Doors of opportunities were opened for such works to be publicized and presented to the general public, which before were not possible. Although its main achievement is found primarily in literature, it also bore the great African-American works in politics and other creative mediums such as visual art, music, and theater that explored different aspects of black American life (R. Twombly. â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). II. Background and Discussion During the early part of the 1900s, Black Nationalism and racial consciousness began to emerge particularly during the 1920’s. One key factor that helped this development was the surfacing of the black middle class, which in turn were brought about by the increasing number of educated blacks who had found employment opportunities and a certain degree of economic advancement after the American Civil War (â€Å"Harlem Renaissance†). During World War I, thousands of black people left the depressed rural South for jobs in northern defense plants. Known as the Great Migration, more African Americans established themselves in cities such as Harlem, in New York City. They were socially conscious, and became a center of political and cultural development of the black Americans. This population created racial tensions over housings and employment that resulted in increased black militancy about rights, including vigorous agitation by the national Association for the Advancement of colored People (NAACP) and other civil rights organizations. Foremost for this black movement’s agenda, which was expressed in various mediums, is to clamor for racial equality. Championing the cause were black intellectuals W.E. B. Du Bois and Alain Locke. White responses to these developments were both negative and positive. The Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist groups reached their peak of northern popularity during the 1920’s. At the same time unprecedented white interest in racial maters created a large audience for black authors who began to settle in the district of New York City known as Harlem. Like other black ghettoes, Harlem was a new, untapped source of themes and materials, which partially accounts for its popularity among artists and intellectuals, but unlike other ghettoes it was a newly constructed, fashionable, residential section. Functioning as a kind of black mecca, Harlem’s excellent housing, its prestige, excitement, and cosmopolitan flavor, attracted a black middle class from which sprang its artistic and literary set. A. General Characteristics Not all works during this movement is militant in nature. However, participants and contributors in the Renaissance were intensely race-conscious, proud of their heritage of being black, and much in love with their community. Most of them, some more subtly than others, criticized racial exploitation. Partly as a tribute to their achievements and partly as a reflection of their racial self-awareness, the Renaissance members were collectively called â€Å"New Negroes†, also indicating that they had replaced the (largely white created) literary image of the comic, pathetic plantation Negro with the proud, busy, independent black man of the northern city. The â€Å"New Negroes† were generally integrationists, optimistically interpreting their own individual successes as harbingers of improvement in race relations. Acceptance from Harpers, Harcourt, Brace, Viking, Boni & Livewright, Knopf, and other front-line publishers began coming through quick succession, boosting more optimism among African-American contributors of the Harlem Renaissance. Rather than depicting a new movement of style, the art during the Harlem Renaissance is united by their common aspiration of depicting and expressing in artistic form the African-American psyche and life. Common characteristics can be found among such works such as the birth of racial pride among black Americans. This called for tracing its roots and origin by taking attention and interest to the life of blacks primarily in Africa and South America. Also, such strong social and racial consciousness brought a strong desire for equality in the American society, both socially and politically. But one of the most common and significant characteristic of the Harlem Renaissance was the abundant production of a variety of creative expressions. Diversity was the main distinctive quality, brought about by an experimental spirit of the movement such as in music which ranged from blues, jazz, to orchestra music. B. Primary Artist of the Harlem Renaissance:   Aaron Douglas (1898-1979) The celebrated artist of the Harlem Renaissance was Aaron Douglas, who chose to depict the New Negro Movement through African images which bore â€Å"primitive† techniques: paintings in geometric shapes, flat, and rugged edges. In his works, Douglas wanted the viewers to know and recognize the African-American identity. As such, Aaron Douglas is often referred to as the â€Å"Father of African American Art†. Born in Topeka, Kansas, Douglas was able to finish his B.A degree. Moving to Harlem in 1925, Aaron immediately set to work, creating illustrations for prominent magazines of the Harlem Renaissance. Douglas was influenced in his modernist style under the tutelage of German artist Winold Reiss, a style which marked most of his celebrated works and incorporating both African and Egyptian strokes of illustration and design. It was Reis who encouraged Douglas to take African design into his works which became his trademark (â€Å"The Harlem Renaissance: Aaron Douglas†). Such manner of African â€Å"primitive† style caught the attention of the main proponents of the Harlem Renaissance, namely W.E.B. Dubois and Alain Locke who found Douglas’ works as an appropriate embodiment of the African-American heritage. They were encouraging young artists to depict their African legacy through their artworks. Even though at a time when DuBois stilled considered Henry Tanner more important, Douglas has fairly established a reputation as the leading visual artist of his time. Harlem Renaissance painters are united by the desire to promote and portray the life and condition of blacks, particularly African-Americans. However, at this point the similarity ends. Harlem Renaissance artworks are as varied in style as the artists themselves. Although like Douglas, most painters of this period received formal trainings and as such, their style and strokes are no different from other non-black artists. What only separate the artists of the Harlem Renaissance from others are their themes and subjects. III. Conclusion A. Ending and Significance As a conclusion, one of the strengths of the Harlem Renaissance was also a serious weakness. Because they were dependent on white patrons and viewers for popularity, black artists were not fully free to explore the mechanisms that perpetrated racial injustice, nor could they propose solutions unacceptable to whites. Furthermore, when the Great Depression dominated American life during the 1930’s, the whites, who had been the bulk of the Renaissance audience, concentrated on economics and politics, oblivious to black American suffering. American arts and letters took up new themes, and although the best artists continued to work, they ultimately lost popularity. The Great Depression drove many black artists to scatter; and were mostly forced to leave New York or to take other jobs to tide them over the hard times. Creativity was drowned by necessity. Nevertheless, despite its many weaknesses and disadvantages, the Harlem Renaissance was a milestone in black American culture and the basis for later achievements.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cash Basis vs. Accrual Basis Accounting

Cash basis accounting predicts a periodic measure of performance that is used to predict future cash flows. This is the difference between cash receipts and cash payments from transactions related to providing goods and services during a reporting period. â€Å"Revenue is recognized when cash is received and expense is recognized when cash is paid†. (â€Å"Accrual basis accounting,†). â€Å"When transactions are recorded on a cash basis, they affect a company's books only once a completed exchange of value has occurred; therefore, cash basis accounting is less accurate than accrual accounting in the short term†. (Investopedia, 2013).Accrual accounting doesn’t just focus on cash flows, instead, it also reflects other resources that are provided and consumed by business operations during a period. This method measures resources provided by business operations by revenue. The measure of resources used to earn revenues is expenses. The difference between reven ues and expenses is net income/loss. Accrual basis net income provides a better measure of performance because it attempts to measure the resource inflows and outflows generated by operations during the reporting period, which may not provide the same amount of cash inflows and outflows.Accruals involve transactions where the cash outflow or inflow takes place in a period after the expense or revenue recognition. â€Å"Selling on credit and projects that provide revenue streams over a long period of time affect the company's financial condition at the point of the transaction. Therefore, it makes sense that such events should also be reflected on the financial statements during the same reporting period that these transactions occur†. (Investopedia, 2013). While cash basis is the difference between cash receipts and cash disbursements from providing goods and services.For cash basis accounting, a transaction happens only when money is exchanged. â€Å"Revenues are reported o n the income statement when cash is received from the customers. Expenses are reported on the income statement when cash is paid out. This is one of the problems with cash basis accounting because adjusting entries help ensure that all revenues earned in a period are recognized in that same period, regardless of when cash is received†. (Averkamp, 2004). For accrual basis accounting, â€Å"revenues are recorded on the income statement when they are earned, which more often than not occurs before cash is received.Expenses are recorded on the income statement in the period when they occur/expire which is often in a different period from when the payment is made. This method of accounting provides a better picture of the company’s profits during an accounting period because the income statement will report all of the revenues actually earned during the period and all of the expenses incurred in order to earn the revenues. This method also helps because it reports all the a ssets that were earned are reported and all the liabilities that were incurred are reported†. (Averkamp, 2004).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Knee Injury Medical Treatment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Knee Injury Medical Treatment - Case Study Example SH: the patient is the first born in a family of three siblings. Lives with the parents and two brothers. She is in college and is a sportswoman has been playing football since elementary schools, it has become her hobby as well as the reason she obtained a scholarship in the college. Her mother is a nurse while the father works as lecturer at a local college.O/E: The patient appears to be in pain (Davies et al. 2011, p.8). The knee appears deformed. The patella bone is visible towards the inner side of the thigh, medial and superiorly to the knee joint. Cannot move the affected leg which have started to swell around the knee joint. She is literary guarding any attempt to touch the affected leg.ROM: There is intense pain in each movement of the knee joint affected by the injury. Active: Flexion- Intense and unbearable painExtension: intense pain Abduction-, intense painAdduction- intense painMedial Rotation- intense painPassive: Flexion- intense painExtension- intense painAbduction- intense painAdduction- pain free movementMedial Rotation- intense painResistive: intense painExtension- intense painAbduction- intense painMedial Rotation- intense painPhysical assessment shows no other abnormality.Impression: Total Right knee-cap dislocation.Plan: Immobilise the knee joint. Prepare for x-ray to identify the position of the patella. Apply strong anti-inflammatory agents to reduce swelling.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summer School Study Abroad Scholarship Application Essay

Summer School Study Abroad Scholarship Application - Essay Example I believe these courses would help me attain my ultimate career goal. All good packages come with costs, so is the case of YISS. I belong to a middle class family with income that just suffices living costs and does not contribute to savings. A referral to financial statement will support my stance. I will be able to bear my expenses to some extent, but I will also require financial assistance. This is the reason why I have applied for need based scholarship programme. I believe that an individual has a give and take relationship with the society. Contribution to society is paid back in the form of a better & safe community for the future generations. I respect the fact that YISS is offering need based scholarship and desire to benefit from it. But this does not end here, as a helping hand extended towards me today will encourage me to help others in future. It will also develop goodwill of Korean society on international

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 75

Case Study Example In making sure, that their products gets well and be recognized worldwide with an aspect of reaching remote area, the company requires using cloud computing as a tool for marketing their products at large. The introduction of Apple iPhone and iPad products and Android smart phones (Trippy) are the best example of electronics devices that makes use of cloud technology in that with the access of internet on your device, you will be able to get hold of various contents on the web. In consideration of online web content and the aspect of cloud technology based on the online publication, Lonely Planet is required to unveil all of its publications into PDF files for other device be able to open it anywhere easily. However, analyzing the marketing channel conflicts, the issue of going online with its contents is expensive and requires special attention in terms of content update, changes on the web hosting articulations and the customer’s preferences since not all customers around the globe will be able to have this digital devices. However, engaging into digital travelling guide, Lonely Planet Company requires to adopt the strategic plans of using Google mapping to enable their customers specifically tap in the location to where they are going. This will help to resolve the issue of unnecessary pages that the customer do not requires at

Friday, July 26, 2019

Which company is better to invest in, Coke or Pepsi Term Paper

Which company is better to invest in, Coke or Pepsi - Term Paper Example Although on the surface Coca-Cola and Pepsico appear to be quite similar there are some distinct differences between the two companies. Coca Cola is the world's largest non-alcoholic beverage company with a market capitalization of $147 billion. The company distributes over 500 non-alcoholic beverage brands Coca-Cola owns and markets four of the top five non-alcoholic sparkling beverage brands in the world including Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Unlike Coca-Cola which is concentrated almost exclusively on beverages, a considerable portion of PepsiCo's product portfolio is in their macro snack division. The company offers over 200 refreshment brands worldwide. Some of their strengths are their youth oriented â€Å"New Generation† brand image which helps develop a long term customer base and their strong franchise system helped Pepsi become one of the leaders in the industry. With a market capitalization of $101 billion and major brands such as Frito-Lay, the number on e snack product brand in the industry, and popular brands such as Gatorade, Quaker, Tropicana, and Pepsi their product portfolio is much more diversified. As a consequence growth opportunities are far superior for PepsiCo compared with Coca-Cola. Although excellent growth opportunities abound for Pepsi in their snack food business as a whole, the company is much more susceptible to rising commodity prices, therefore it is more exposed to commodity price fluctuations compared to Coca-Cola.

Porters five forces analysis - Beats by Dre Essay

Porters five forces analysis - Beats by Dre - Essay Example To analyze the market share taken by the headphones in the market, we will focus on the forces outlined in the model to discuss this. Firstly, we will focus on the supplier’s power in the global market. The company is one of the largest manufacturers of headphones in the global market. It manufactures high-end headphones, which most consumers consider them quality and classy. Further, company’s ability to manufacture them in different colours makes it even better. Most of the headphones are ‘U’ shaped. From a recent report published in business review, the company had acquired sixty-four percent of the entire market shares. Most users of the headphones view it as a fashion accessory mostly used by celebrities in the hip-hop music industry. The company has the capacity to manufacture and satisfy the global market. Secondly, the model helps its users to analyze the buying power of consumers who are its target consumers. The company appreciates that it has customers from different lifestyles hence it manufactures products as per their needs and requests. Therefore, the management has ensured that the prices of their products and software’s are all affordable to their customers in the global market. Further, the company follows the current rates of inflation in the world’s economy. To emphasize, most of the customers lies in the age bracket of 19-35 years who love to be trendy and follow the latest themes in the world of fashion. This gives the company an upper hand because their products are always on demands.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A journal article critique in the family health area - 1

A journal critique in the family health area - Article Example The author employed the methods correctly since all the results indicated that chiropractic care produced positive results that improved the quality of life. However, there might be error in the research, since the author assumes that those who do not get chiropractic care do not get other health services, but in reality they could be receiving other health care in different forms. The evidence in support of the topic can be the 1992 research where people who received chiropractic care had a higher immunity than the average population or cancer patients. Dr. Petro states that chiropractic health care imparts maximum efficiency to whatever genetic makeup one may be possessing, while in the 2005 research, the study indicates that chiropractic health care determines normal physiological process which influence DNA repair and oxidative stress. This implies that subluxations removal has a positive influence on health. The strength of the evidence can be that chiropractic care has positive results on the immune system and can be recommended for quality life, while the weakness can be that those who got chiropractic care may have lived in the same environment which favored the practice or have specific biological background. The author supported the topic by explaining that the immune and nervous system were connected, and therefore manipulating the nervous system would produce a result, which in this case is chiropractic care which has positive results on the immune system. Other authors have conducted chiropractic research. They include shekelle et al (1992) and they concluded that manipulation of the spine fastens recovery from minor low back pains, after literature review on 25 trials. Van Tudler, Bouter and Koes in Netherlands found superior evidence for efficiency of manipulating the spine for chronic back pain. Bronfort (1999) conducted a review and found short term capacity

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Chicano film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chicano film - Essay Example Besides, the film Maria Full of Grace by Joshua Marston, an American film director deals with the cruelties of Columbian mafia. Thesis statement: Evaluation of the films- The Official Story, Like Water for Chocolate and Maria Full of Grace to unearth the socio-political influence on individual freedom. When one consider the purpose of a film, the mindset of the director towards his/her society gains due importance. In the film The Official Story by Luis Puenzo, the aim/purpose of the director is to unveil the crimes committed by despotic military regime in Argentina. Alberto Elana and Maria Diaz Lopez quote Jorge Abel Martin to illustrate the film’s importance as it portrays human life like a huge mirror which is capable to reflect thousands of faces in it (Elana and Lopez 182). The director’s aim is to force the viewers to identify their own emotions with that of the female characters in the film. The return of democratic system in 1983 opened a new phase of freedom to writers and directors in Argentina. The directors began to use cinema as a medium to express their views on the issues when Argentina was under military rule. So, the purpose of this film is to create awareness among mass about the recent history of Argentina. But on the other side, the purpose/ aim of the director of the film Like Water for Chocolate is to attract the attention of the viewers towards the inevitable change in the Mexican society and its attitude towards womenfolk. For instance, the female character Tita de la Garza is forced to stay unmarried due to the tradition of de la Garza family which does not allow the youngest daughter to lead a married life. Instead, Tita is forced to stay at her home and to take care of her family. This inhuman attitude supported by the tradition crush her love affair with Pedro. So, one can easily identify that the purpose of the film Like Water for

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Role in Combatting Research Paper

U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Role in Combatting Cybersecurity - Research Paper Example While comparing the present cyber war towards the reactive US approach nation’s major wars i.e. WWII or War on Terror, considerable changes in the same can be apparently observed. One of such changes can be ascertained in secret services along with information operations. In this present day context, these particular aspects became quite modernized as compared to the earlier years due to rapid technological advancements (Geers 9-158). The Criticalness of Cyber Security and DHSs National Role W/Obama Quote. On 12th February 2013, Obama passed an order to enhance the critical infrastructure of cyber security in the US. This order passed by Obama supported in building, developing as well as maintaining public-private relationships with other partners and operators to create risk based cyber security system by sharing different information. According to Obama, the role of cyber security and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is to improve the infrastructure of the framework of cyber security by transferring the required information related to the protection of cyber threats and following proper guidelines as well as rules (Waltzman, Giancarlo and Webb 1-4). This research paper intends to explain the responsibility of securing the nations and determine the infrastructure of cyberspace that can restrict in facing cyber threats or attacks on business and governmental policies. Apart from this, the research paper laid utmost focus on revealing the fact that the Department of Homeland Security must prioritize cybersecurity for ensuring the integrity of different nations, civilian and government networks as per the desired level. The research paper also deals with assessing the roles played by the Department of Homeland Security in the domain of cybersecurity. To address the above discussed aspects, the following objectives need to be attained: Comparison of Internal to External Threats (Government Accountability Office

Monday, July 22, 2019

To what extent does prejudice affect Essay Example for Free

To what extent does prejudice affect Essay Prejudice and Racism are very closely related to each other in our society. To stereotype someone is when we apply a series of traits to them based on one trait that resembles their identity in a particular group. Some examples to stereotyping would be Asians are hardworking and studious, black people steal a lot, and many others. This very closely relates with the definition of prejudice. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Most of the people who judge people on their particular culture using stereotypes do not actually have an experience of seeing or experiencing that particular stereotype. They are basing it off of knowledge they have received or came across from other people. Very few actually have experiences of encountering the stereotypical character of a certain group and use their experience to conceive and judge the people of that certain group. We tend to categorize ourselves in different groups whether it is through cultural differences, race differences, or difference in interest. Why do people who have prejudices tend to stereotype? These people tend to divide people into different categories of â€Å"them†. They classify these people as different. Although grouping ourselves is a nature of human kind, groups of different goals, interest, race or culture tend to prejudice using stereotypes of other groups. Is it impossible for us to reduce social prejudice? Prejudice and stereotyping will always exist in parallel with these things. Instead of trying to totally get rid of prejudice and stereotyping, it is more progressive and effective to try reducing it. Given that our world is diverse and multi ethnic, it is important to understand ways to reduce social prejudice. An approach about prejudice was made by Sherif in 1966 who believed that prejudice arises out of conflict between two groups however they do not automatically lead to prejudice, but depends on the situation and relationship involved among the groups. Sheriff also claimed that prejudice can be often seen when two groups want to achieve the same goal but only one can have it, causing them to be hostile and abusive against each other. This is the Realistic Conflict Theory. Sherif conducted a study to prove this theory and this was know as the ‘Robber’s Cave’ Study. This accurately displayed how competition and conflict between two groups can cause negative stereotyping and aggressive manners towards the out-group. Another example of Sheriff’s claim would be the study done by Dollard (1938) who found out that prejudice against German immigrant increased slowly in the US towns, as jobs were harder to get. This research study proves Sherif’s claim of prejudice being built on depending on the situation and relationship between the two groups. In this case the Germans and U. S citizens had a sense of competition over jobs, leading them to have a rivalry relationship and ultimately causing prejudice against each other. ( AS Psychology). Agreeing, but also opposing to this Tajfel (1971) argued that competition is not a likely condition for group-to-group conflict. He does not completely disagree about competition being one of the reasons for prejudice among groups, but more strongly argues that the existence of an opposing group itself produces prejudice among the groups. He also argued that in-group favoritism was present in groups and called all of these behaviors the Social Identity Theory. An example of favoritism explained in the Social Identity Theory is that two opposing groups, Man U and Liverpool would more likely help people wearing the same color uniforms if they are injured – Levine et al (2005). ( AS Psychology) In the 1950’s, American psychologist Gordon Willard Allport introduced the Intergroup-contact hypothesis. The intergroup –Contact Hypothesis considered of one having the opportunity to communicate with others. Through this communication they are able to understand and appreciate different points of views involving their way of life. Alport thought that issues of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination commonly occur between rival groups. Alport’s proposal was that properly managed contact between the groups should reduce these problems and lead to better interactions. (Psychology Today) In Robert S. Feldman’s Social Psychology, the book states that prejudice will reduce only under certain conditions. Decades of research by psychologists lead to the discovery of three conditions. The contact needs to occur between people of relatively equal status, the contact must be close and personal; goals that they are seeking must be common goals. Through frequent contact of each other in a relationship where the status is equal, prejudice can be reduced in certain ways. Personal relationships are another key of reducing prejudice in society. By forming personal relationships, people can find out that some of the prejudices and stereotypes they had of a certain group may not be true. But this condition may vary for the opponent may have the stereotypical characteristics of that certain group. Lastly prejudice can be reduced through seeking common goals. As a community, once a goal is set and achieved, the achievements are shared among those inside the community. This develops a form of bonding and grouping within the group as well, making it questionable if this is a true way of getting rid of prejudice and stereotyping since it is creating a new social identity. (Jiskha) In January 3, 2011, a more recent research on how to overcome prejudices was announced by Rodolfo Mendoza- Denton from the University of California, Berkley. Although many of Rodolfo’s ideas were similar to that of the solutions mentioned in Robert S. Feldman’s Social Psycygology, there were some significant concepts that Rodolfo had found out. One of his concepts consists of the common in-group identity model, which shows that humans are able to recategorize themselves according to interests, features, or characteristics that they share. Once they have recategorized themselves, they are more tightly bonded and understand each other within the people inside the group even though they might have been people from two different groups that once were prejudice and hostile to each other. Another major difference from Rodolfo’s solution and Feldman’s solution is that Rodolfo claims that the behavior of humans in a neutral state is critical in the effect of prejudice towards each other. To reduce prejudice among groups, Rodolfo suggested that approaching other groups in a different manner will greatly affect the presence of prejudice in two opposing groups. If approached in a manner of trying to get along, it is hard for prejudice to happen in the contact of the two groups. But by raising awareness of the stereotypes and having a negative view of the opposing group from the beginning, prejudice and stereotyping is likely to be present in this situation. (Greater Good) Work Cited (Psychology Today) Chen Ph. D, Lisa. The Psychology of Prejudice and Racism. Psychology Today . Sussex Publishers, LLC, 24 Jan. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. http://www. psychologytoday. com/blog/handy-psychology-answers/201101/the-psychology-prejudice-and-racism. (Jiskha) David A. Gershaw, Ph. D. Homework Help: Social Studies: Psychology: Reducing Prejudice. Jiskha Homework Help. David A. Gershaw, Ph. D. , n. d. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. ( AS Psychology) GROSS, R. (1999) Key Studies in Psychology, 3rd Edition. London: Hodder and Stoughton BANYARD, P. AND GRAYSON, A. (2000) Introducing Psychological Research; Seventy Studies that Shape Psychology, 2nd Edition. London: Macmillan (Greater Good) Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton. Greater Good. The Top 10 Strategies for Reducing Prejudice. University of California Berkeley, 3 Jan. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2013.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

An Analysis Of Performance Management Strategies Business Essay

An Analysis Of Performance Management Strategies Business Essay Performance management (PM) includes activities to ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on the performance of an organization, a department, employee, or even the processes to build a product or service, as well as many other areas. In both definitions it is clear that performance management is process of continuously measuring performance of each individual in organization to achieve set goals. To check that organization is performing in right way, we use performance management strategy or system to measure performance of specific department or employees or to measure performance of whole organization. Performance management talks about important and broader issues of organization. It gives procedures to organizations to achieve their goals. Performance management links all people, teams and individuals associated with business. Performance management should include: Performance management throughout the organization for individual, team and increased productivity of organization. Development is also very important for improved performance. Unless there is no development plan for employees in organization there will be no performance improvement. Organizations should ensure that employees are encouraged and motivated to fulfill their responsibility. How It Works? As performance management is very key part of organization to make organization work effectively. So this strategy should be structured properly. There should be a performance management framework to operate it effectively and efficiently in organization. Tools of Performance Management Performance Reviews To measure performance management there should be regular reviews of individuals performance. There should be performance review meetings to evaluate performance management. The meetings should be properly managed and planned to measure. Learning and Development Most famous and successful organizations give importance to employee development for increased performance of organization. With the help of performance reviews employees can be encouraged to look for deficiencies in them. And it should be responsibility of organization to provide learning and development schemes. Organizations which have high emphasis on individuals learning have emphasis on performance improvement indirectly. Measurements Organizations which want to measure performance management effectively, there employees or individuals should know that on what criteria or through which procedures their performance is going to be measured. Organizations should measure performance on fairly and honest basis. Pay In many organizations performance management is related with performance related pay. Performance related pay is important tool in many organizations to motivate employees through performance related pay. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY OF DERBY CITY COUNCIL I have taken the performance management strategy of DERBY CITY COUNCIL as example to evaluate their strategy. I am going to evaluate their performance strategy of 2007-2010. Objective The basic objective of performance management strategy of DERBY CITY COUNCIL is to manage performance across council and the steps they will use to achieve their goals. They have described everything in their strategy that what they are going to achieve and how they will achieve. Importance of Performance Management As from definitions it is clear that performance management strategy is used to make organization more effective and to engage every employee in development of organization. So DERBY CITY COUNCIL has taken the importance of performance management very seriously as well. Performance management strategy make council to look for current status of their work, monitor for problems and issues arising, how to solve them and plans to implement their strategy. Performance management strategy is important to DERBY CITY COUNCIL for number of reasons. Improving Services Council is always here to improve services for people. So thats why performance management strategy is very important to council as they want to continuously improve services for people. They are focused on achieving right goals according to needs and expectations of local people and community. And their strategy helps them to look out their progress in achieving those goals and to look for any issues occurring in their current plans or not. And according to council their strategy is main key to improve their services continuously for people. Motivating staff For DERBY CITY COUNCIL their performance management strategy is not only to achieve goals like to improve services of people. For council effective management strategy is that which motivate their staff to understand them what is their role in this strategy, how much they are involved in achieving goals set by council for local people and whether their staff is getting fit into framework set by council to achieve their targets. Thats why council has described in their workforce Development Plan the scheme called Achievement and Development to stay connected with staff and promote their learning and to motivate them to fulfill their individual duties to achieve organizational goals. Meeting Government Expectations Performance management strategy is important to council because they want to meet government expectations. As performance assessment which is annual assessment by local authorities to measure performance or achievements of council in last year. So to meet government expectations performance management strategy is important to them. Demonstrating Value for Money Council tax is always concern for local residents, and they want to see that while council is doing or improving services for them or not. So this strategy is important to them to make a clear vision in local community about their value of money and council is continuously working for improvements. Purpose of Strategy For DERBY CITY COUNCIL, purpose of their performance management strategy is to Establish strong planning and performance framework to continuously improve services. To implement performance management system to measure performances of individuals and of organization. To achieve their set goals and targets. To be classified as four star council by meeting government expectations by continuously improving services for people. For DERBY CITY COUNCIL effective performance strategy not only requires good strategy but also organizational culture which supports this strategy by encouraging staff to improve their services. Performance Framework of DERBY CITY COUNCIL Their performance framework includes community strategy, corporate plan, business plans, team plans and individual plans. In framework council used community strategy to set the long term visions and targets for local community. Its a long term strategy to improve services which can be renewable. The Council corporate plan is to support community strategy how they will focus on continuous improvements and key actions to be taken for improvements. Business plans in performance framework are there to describe how each section of council work for improvements. Team plans will demonstrate employees to develop their understanding that how they will individually or in teams contribute for improvements. For council performance framework has to be clear, accurate and timely planned. What Council is Aiming to Achieve? Through their strategy council want to create an environment where every individual knows his/her contribution towards improving services and feel motivated and encouraged to manage their own performance effectively. Council Main Principles Council target is based on five principles which lead towards improvement. Balanced measurements For every process three elements are always important like inputs, outputs and outcomes. According to council as outcomes are always important for end users but they want balanced set of all measures means inputs, outputs and outcomes in their strategy to improve services. Strong Decision Making For council strong decision making is very important to them. As it is their one of main principle that decisions maker should be confident enough in information which he/she is using for decision making. They should use data of good quality to make decisions. The data or information which is used for decision making should be accurate, strong and relevant. Clear The performance information must be clear and should be accessible to all users. Goal Oriented Information should be goal oriented, focusing on key goals and targets to be achieved. Individual role Every individual must know his/her role in managing performance and key actions towards improvements. How Council will achieve his Vision? In this section council will deliver his strategy to achieve their goal. For council there are some sections which should be fulfilled to make their strategy successful. Role of Leader in Culture of Performance Management A performance management culture is climate or environment in which organization is working. Through performance management culture every employee and individual knows the values and vision of organization and their own roles to achieve those goals for organization. It encourages and motivates individuals to act in their role properly and perform their duties. As it is important for everyone to manage performance culture, but it should be lead by effective leader who has strong leadership skills. Like in performance framework of DERBY CITY COUNCIL there should be effective leader to lead corporate or business plans. Strong and confident leaders know what kind of performance is required and have ability to clearly communicate every individuals role towards improvement. They make clear to everyone that these areas are to be focused or improve and whose role is required or important in this issue. Advantages: Managers or leaders set clear goals and expectations across all employees which are continuously monitored. With performance measures there are continuous appraisals. DERBY CITY COUNCIL has culture where excellent performance is praised and shared across council. Clear Roles and Responsibilities To make their strategy effective council has described every individuals roles and responsibilities in their performance management strategy. Some roles are described below: Corporate Directors: Take operational responsibility of key actions to be done by council. They continuously review performances. They made actions required regarding data quality for decision making. They ensure that performance is under consideration in department. Performance Board: This board monitors that performance management strategy is implemented properly or not. Heads of Service They identify opportunities for improvement in strategy or performance management system. They monitor underperformance and their responsibility is to take necessary actions when required. Cabinet Their responsibility is to deliver council priorities. They review performance every three months and take actions if performance is not managed properly. They have also responsibility of measuring either value for money is achieved or not. Council Their role is to provide clear vision and to make corporate plan accordingly. They approve all budgets. They ensure every achievement. Audits and Accounts Their role is to maintain the internal environment controlled and managed. All Staff Know what their roles and contributions are required by council to achieve goals and improvement in services. They know what is vision of team in which they are working and what are the visions of stakeholders? What are their own personal goals and what they require to improve in themselves? Internal Audit They have to assess overall procedure implemented for producing performance management. They check procedures which are high risk. Advantages Everyone knows what performance framework is and know that improving services for local people is vision of council. Every member plays an important role in monitoring and managing performance management strategy. Continuous and Strong Performance Information System Council performance information is regularly used by group of people, employees, individuals and stakeholders. The Council use performance eye as main tool to analyze, collaborate and reporting performance information to all of them. The system is accessible to all staff so thats why information is clear to all staff. Advantages: Performance eye tool includes all visions of performance management including value for money. Wide use of performance eye tool by all members, employees and stakeholders. While developing performance eye data quality is taken seriously. Local people get informed about council performance and progress in achieving their goals. Continuous Assessment of Performance Measurement of performance honestly and actively is very important part of performance culture. Council has taken this point in consideration as well to take effective actions against underperformance, ensuring right actions to be done to bring performance back to action. Council considers their employees to be best source for their success and their development is necessary for councils future. It is very important to agreeing objectives with employees, giving them appraisals on their achievements and addressing their development needs in right and set path. Outcomes: Council continuously manages poor performers and rewards good performers and work for their development. Learning and Development Learning forms the basis of development of performance managed culture of organization. Here learning is about collecting information about what plans has worked and what has not worked. Organizational performance board is there to improve learning and to view which actions are necessary. Training and development is always important for exploring knowledge of every individual in every organization and at all levels. With performance management strategy a separate training plan is implemented as well in relation with performance for support and development of individuals. Outcomes: Sharing of knowledge and learning between all departments of council and other stakeholders. With help of different plan, more structured learning with performance management strategy. Main Steps in Delivering our Strategy Council has delivered their performance management strategy in the form of short term, medium term and long term goals. Short term Goals Short term goals are those goals which are to be achieved in 1 year or shorter period of time. Improved areas of underperformance through strict and strong action planning and benchmarking. Council does benchmarking to compare his results with successful results achieved by other same type of organizations. To look at their planning and way to achieve targets. Training of performance tools to all staff to improve performance managed culture. It is short term goal of council to train all staff to how to use performance tool to stable the culture of organization. Council wants to achieve this goal in short period of time to improve performance for community. Communication of performance information with local community. Council wants to achieve this target in of communicating its progress to local community, and to tell them how they are progressing, how they are working , how they are converting resources into improvement for community. So there should be clear and transparent communication with local community. Celebrating the achievements. Council wants to celebrate and wants to tell to local community that they are achieving their goals and proved increased performance. Medium Term Goals Medium term goals are goals which are to be achieved in period of 1 to 2 years. Review of performance eye It is target of council to review performance eye tool according to council and future needs. After review, if council requires further changings, needed to be done effectively. Improvements in Learning and Development Learning and development scheme should be reviewed half yearly or yearly to manage performance effectively. If performance management is not working effectively it can be due to no learning and development as well. So its council target to review their learning and development plan continuously. Long Term Goals Long term goals are those goals for council which they want to achieve in period of three years. Change to Performance Management System Implement changes to performance management system to work it more effectively and issues which has affected the performance management of organization. Changes to Individual Performance Council wants to implement changes to every individual performance to make them more effective for organization. It is a long term goal for council to check individual performance management to check who needs learning and development. Conclusion Performance management strategy is used to measure performance of individual, team and or organization as a whole as well. With the help of this strategy organizations measure how effectively their employees as individual working and how much efficient is organization working. With the help of performance management strategy Everyone came to know that how much they are contributing towards organizational goals and targets. Everyone ensures that what is organization expecting from them and they has skills and support to achieve this or not. Effective communication increases in organizations between all employees. Managers encourages individuals to do best they can and opportunities of learning and development. Performance management strategy of DERBY CITY COUNCIL has describes some main principles which are important for them in their strategy. They have given importance to: Being clear and transparent to your staff about what is performance. Understanding to employees how they can improve performance management culture. Every individual should be focused on his own contributions needed by organization. Decision maker should be confident and strong enough in decision making. Decision maker should have good quality of data. Recommendations As I have evaluated strategy of DERBY CITY COUNCIL. They have given every information about how they will implement their strategy and what are important key roles to them for effective strategy. One thing which seems wrong to me in their long term plan is about changing of individual performance in long term plans. In my point of view, individual performance should be monitored continuously and sudden plans should be implemented to change in their individuals performance. If they need some improvement learning and development plan should be applied effectively.

Product Hopping Case Study Analysis

Product Hopping Case Study Analysis

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Dan Connelly Mr. Fisher English 10 March 8 2014 JSOC And Modern Special Forces Joint Special Operations Command is a group of elite forces who work alone and side by side with other branches of the military and other countries despite the fact they don't normally work with them. These men are responsible for tracking and killing Osama Bin Laden and other big name terrorist. JSOC consists of Delta force, DEVGRU, and other secretive civilian and military groups. J-Soc is an elite military unit that operates in the most intense battles the world can throw at them. They are the spartans of the modern world and they're known in the military as â€Å"the tip of the spear†. The Creation of J-SOC Joint Special Operations Command was created in 1980 as a member of US. SOCOM ( US. Special Operations Command). Their initial mission and role in SOCOM was to train and assess elite soldiers in Special Operations Programs in the US, to be able to work side by side seamlessly with the worlds other elite Special Operators and law enforcement. For examples, Navy SEALS and Israeli IDF Forces, Green Berets and British SAS, and even with civilian counterparts like the CIA and SEALS or FBI HRT teams and Air force Pararescue. JSOC also took on the role of training Special Mission Units in a numerous amount of schools and training courses.( Smith) The military had ussocom who had units like navy seals and army rangers but the military needed an elite group of people who could perform anything and everything the Pres/ secdef could throw at them. At first, their mission was to train socoms elite, but in 1981 the president decided that JSOCs role in the military needed to be changed. JSOC had done such a good job training socom that they ... ...isted of armed combat and horsemanship. These men fought both for Thebes, but also for his partner. These relationships helped them fight even the toughest competitors.(Crompton). Shaolin Monks were some of the fierce warriors to walk this earth. The Shaolin Monastery dates back nearly 1,500 years, and its tradition of martial arts can be traced back to defence against attacks in the year 610. These men were trained to never to use force when not needed because they wanted peace and were almost pacifist. The Shaolin Monks trained themselves over the centuries and battled everyone from thieves,emperors and Japanese pirates. They were always using their unique combat style Shaolin Kung Fu. This style was so unique many opposing forces did not know how to react to the attacks. This is what gave them the edge in battles against any of their enemies. ( Larmer).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing All Quiet On The Western Front, The Wars, and A Farewell To A

All Quiet On The Western Front, The Wars, and A Farewell To Arms Any and all events in one's life may change a person profoundly, but the effect may not always be as expected. For instance, situations of despair may cause feelings of depression and uncertainty to develop in an individual, as would likely be expected. However, those same situations could ultimately lead to a sense of fulfilment or enlightenment. In the novels All Quiet On The Western Front by Erich Remarque, The Wars by Timothy Findley, and A Farewell To Arms by Ernest Hemmingway, the varying possibilities of the effects of war on an individual are clearly displayed. In All Quiet On The Western Front, Paul Baumer finds the war has changed not only the way he views himself in the present, but also the way he views his past and his future. In The Wars, Robert Ross finds himself on a path of uncertainty, questioning the apparent loss of humanity in the world around him. Yet he ultimately uses the war as a medium through which the true essence of his character is able to shine. Finally , in the American classic A Farewell To Arms, Lieutenant Henry recognises that he is losing himself in the war and attempts to find an escape through love. As a result of the horrors and tragedies surrounding them, the characters in these three novels question their sense of self in light of their experiences in the war. Â  In Remarque's All Quiet On The Western Front, Paul Baumer encounters many inner struggles. Through examining the changes occurring within himself, he finds he can no longer relate to his own past. His present thoughts and feelings are quite reclusive in nature and as he looks ahead, he finds himself fearing how the repercussions of the war will affect him in th... ...not only something as drastic as a war that may cause one to re-examine his outlook on himself and his life. There are many events in life that will prompt one to question his sense of self. The result may be a personal revelation, or the opposite. In any case, it is through these events that a man is shaped and discovered. These changes are evident not only through the world that created the man, but also through the man who experiences the world. Works Cited and Consulted Dos Passos, John. "The Best Written Book." Critical Essays on Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. New York: G.K. Hall & Co., 1994. 89-90. Findley, Timothy. The Wars. Penguin Books, Toronto: 1996. Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell To Arms. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986. Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet on the Western Front. New York: Ballantine, (1928)1958.

Elections in the Year 2029 :: Creative Writing Personal Narrative Papers

Elections in the Year 2029 It's not every day that I wake up in a different year from when I went to bed. I wholly expect it to happen on days like December 31st. So you can understand my shock when, instead of seeing May 9th 2002 on the calendar, I saw May 9th, 2029. Sometimes you can just tell it's going to be a bad day. In fact, something was telling me it was going to be a very bad day. As I rolled out of bed and landed with my feet squarely on the floor, I suddenly got the feeling that something wasn't quite right. A moment's thought made me realize that, in my three years of College, I've never before rolled out of bed and not landed on the mounds and piles of clutter—books, clothes, and musical instruments—which always surround my bed. I also realized that my entire room was clutter-free. I shrugged off this oddity; I had cleaned my room in the past, and there was a possibility, although remote, that I had cleaned it last night (whenever that was). My morning routine continued with the hunger pangs I usually feel just after waking up. I decided to dress and go to Farinon for a quick bite of food. Noticing that I was already dressed, I headed outside and down Hart Street towards Farinon. Something seemed out of place, almost surreal; I couldn't say what it was exactly. At this point my mind woke up and began to defend itself. "Tobin," it told me, "there's nothing wrong with the world. You probably just had too much to drink last night." I continued on my trek. The Farinon Food Court seemed normal to me. The food tasted awful, which was strangely reassuring. In fact, everything was reassuring. The texture of the carpet, the uncomfortable chairs, the wobbly tables, and surly yet charming staff seemed to give me a sense of comfort. I reminded myself that, while our eyes often deceive us, it is rare when all of our senses are fooled. My quiet calm was broken when I noticed, in the corner of my eye, a small flashing yellow light. I tried to turn to look at it, but it stayed in the corner of my eye.1 I thought to myself, "What's the meaning of this thing?" Suddenly, a voice whispered to me, "Your VAST is starting; would you like to attend?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Creating Peace Through Non Violence

In Martin Luther King Junior’s essay â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† and Aung San Suu Kyi’s essay â€Å"Freedom from Fear†, they discuss the importance of non-violent action in order to end political conflicts. In the speech â€Å"A Just and Lasting Peace† Barack Obama explains the effects of war and the ways in which non-violence can create a just and lasting peace. According to King, in order to create opportunities for negotiating about unjust laws, non-violent action may be necessary. Violence is never the long term solution to any problem.This is why non-violent action is so powerful. Suu Kyi discusses why society must be able to liberate their minds from apathy and fear in order to overcome a corrupt government. Fear causes corruption in government and corruption in society. In order to restore a corrupt government and society, the citizens must find courage, because courage is the only way to overcome corruption. According to Barack Obama, in order to create a just and lasting peace we must find alternatives to violence. War promises human tragedy. In most cases the cost of war outweighs the benefits.Non-violent direct action, freedom from fear, and alternatives to violence will fix corrupt governments and will create lasting peace by forcing a national awareness of injustices; without political pressure there cannot be a lasting peace. Non-violent direct action will create opportunities for negotiating unjust laws. During the civil rights movement, racial discrimination impacted the lives of many African Americans. Racial segregation laws became the main target for civil rights activists like Martin Luther King, Jr.According to King, â€Å"in any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: (1) collection of the facts to determine whether injustices are alive; (2) negotiation; (3) self-purification; and (4) direct action† (King 576). In the first step you must be able to identify an issue which requires no n-violent action. After you identify an issue you must negotiate with a political leader in order to solve this problem. If this does not create a solution to the problem direct action may be necessary.The purpose of non-violent direct action is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will open the door to negotiation. King believes that violence will only prolong the issues in society and the only effective way to create lasting change is to pressure political leaders through non-violent action. According to King, there are two types of laws: a just law and an unjust law. â€Å"An unjust law is a code that a majority inflicts on a minority that is not binding on itself. A just law is a code that a majority compels a minority to follow that it is willing to follow itself† (King 580).Unjust laws create corruption among societies. In order to overcome these unjust laws one must be willing to break them. By disobeying unjust laws, and accepting the penalties which come wi th it, in reality you are â€Å"expressing the very highest respect for law† (King 580). This act of civil disobedience will put significant pressure on politics in order to force a change. Many peaceful protests were used in order to bring awareness to level of police brutality during the civil rights movement.After witnessing countless African Americans being attacked by malicious police officers while peacefully protesting, a national awareness pressured segregation laws out of existence. In order to build a civilized society which provides basic human rights, citizens must be fearless of their government. According to Aung San Suu Kyi, there are four kinds of corruption: â€Å"corruption induced by desire†, â€Å"revenge†, â€Å"ignorance†, and â€Å"fear† (Suu Kyi 682). Fear, unlike the rest, is the root of all evil. Power doesn’t lead to corruption, fear does.The fear of â€Å"losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the s courge of power corrupts those who are subject to it† (Suu Kyi 682). In order to overcome fear in a corrupt government, each and everyone must make sacrifices in order to possess courage. In a society where fear is an integral part of everyday existence, it is not easy to remain uncorrupt. It is the obligation of the people to stay strong and uphold principles of justice. Without fear one can overcome any obstacle, but the second fear returns it is difficult to reach your goals.In order for these ordinary people to create a society which promotes â€Å"the basic rights and freedoms to which all human beings are entitled†, they must discover that â€Å"freedom from fear stands out as both a means and an end† (Suu Kyi 684). When a society is able to stand together and liberate their minds from apathy and fear, they will truly achieve freedom. They will have the courage to challenge their corrupt government and create a government where the people possess the power. The non-violent way of overcoming a corrupt government is to overcome fear.In a world filled with war, genocide, and dangerous weapons, we must explore alternatives to violence which will help create just and lasting peace. According to Barack Obama â€Å"there is nothing weak—nothing passive—nothing naive—in the creed and lives of Gandhi and King† (Obama 644). Despite this, Obama believes that war has a role in preserving the peace, but in no way is it the solution to all problems. No matter how justified, war promises human tragedy. Innocent citizens will die along with foreign and U. S soldiers.Wars between nations will give way to wars within nations. Looking back at the past we can see completely different views on war. For most of history â€Å"the capacity of human beings to think up new ways to kill one another proved inexhaustible† (Obama 643). The views on war have significantly evolved over the years due to many evolutionary changes inc luding the addition of the Marshal Plan and the United Nations. Both of these additions have prevented a third world war. By restricting the use of war and weapons, the U. S has improved the balance between peace and violence.According to Obama, there are three ways that we can build a just and lasting peace. We must develop â€Å"alternatives to violence†, â€Å"human rights†, and â€Å"economic security† (Obama 648). Alternatives to violence will help the United States build peaceful relationships between foreign countries which will prevent future wars. Human rights are essential for maintaining a peace among the U. S citizens. Economic security will improve the standard of living in the United States and it will unite the peoples trust in the government. By achieving these goals, the U.S can achieve a non-violent means to a lasting peace. Non-violent direct action, freedom from fear, and alternatives to violence are key solutions to overcoming a corrupt gove rnment and creating lasting peace. Non-violent direct action may seem like an ineffective way to solve problems in a corrupt government, but according to Martin Luther King, Jr. , it is the only way to fix a corrupt government. Non-violent direct action was a key tactic used during the civil rights movement which ended racial segregation in America. Martin Luther King, Jr. nd other civil rights activists demonstrated non-violent sit-ins and protests which pressured political leaders into negotiating deals which would limit segregation laws. By doing this, the U. S people were able to see the level of police brutality during the civil rights movement. The U. S citizens were able to see how segregation was morally wrong. Non-violent direct action was an effective method used to end racial segregation. Freedom from fear is what Aung San Suu Kyi describes as being a key method to fix a corrupt government. Any society which is controlled by fear often possesses some level of corruption w ithin its government.In order to overcome a corrupt government, you must liberate your minds of apathy and fear. When a whole society is able to come together and build a sense of courage among the people, that society will have what is needed to overcome a corrupt government. Barack Obama describes the importance of finding alternatives to violence. In order to create a lasting peace, you must first have peace. As a nation, the United States is striving towards peace whether it’s on foreign or domestic land. Many wars have been fought in order to create peace, but as long as there is war there will never be lasting peace.The solution to this problem is complex, but it starts with us finding alternatives to violence. War will not solve any issues. It simply prolongs and complicates foreign conflicts. When the U. S government creates peace treaties instead of wars, then and only then will we see a glimpse of lasting peace. Works Cited King, Martin Luther, Jr. â€Å"Letter fro m Birmingham Jail. † Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , 12 Apr. 1963. Print. Obama, Barack. â€Å"A Just and Lasting Peace. † The Nobel Foundation, n. d. Print. 2009. Suu Kyi, Aung San. â€Å"Freedom from Fear. † Micheal Aris, 1995. Print.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

An Individual Detailed Analysis on the Style, Editing Techniques Mise-En-Scene and Cinematography in the Film “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”

An individual sm all told told analysis on the sort, modify proficiencys Mise-en- characterization and cinematography in the pick reveal lasting self-restraint of the upright consciousness. Michael Gondrys Eternal cheer of the spotless theme (2004) is not your typical Hollywood rom-com. Its cinematic style is very superior and by ut close to come forth of the ordinary for its genre. The map of techniques and the management the fritter a vogue is produced is the reason why it is so unforgettable. The non-linear annals is based around a middle-aged guy who falls in relish with a woman, who, afterward a while into their relationship decides to exhaust either single storage and feeling towards him.The explanation is told in flashbacks that slowly reveal the age and space the couple fatigued in concert and all the events that made up their relationship. Silvey states that The modern lend aceself of fib, mise en moving picture, cinematography, cut masteri ng and the soundtrack in the shoot all serve to admit the tenderness, confusion, miscommunication, pain and hope that accompany sentimentalist endeavours. SILVEY 2009 139. I depart be discussing and critically analyzing the exact identical concepts as in a higher place in my argument and how they contri besidese to such(prenominal) a stylistic yarnline. I will also be comparing techniques employ in this make to such ones in other films.Eternal fair weather of the spotless mind is a mind-blowing tosh some a man called Joel Barish who finds himself in a livelihood-changing situation when he accidentally discovers that his desire-term girlfriend, clementine Kruczynski has under foregone a brain functioning which erases someone from the mind, in this case clementine erases Joel from her remembrance, leaving her with no memories what so always of him. He decides the best way to restore his broken heart is to undergo the same autoe for and erase clementine for good. unless as his memory loss commences he finds himself trapped in his own memories, observance them as they disappear.Half way done he accreditedizes he no seven-day wants to erase clementine and tries his very best to advance hold of his living memories. The style of sheering in Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind is undoubtedly the most recognisable aspect that separates this film from a normal love stratum. It has the typical love narrative moments still the way it is pieced in concert with its innovative narrative style is what sicks it at a upstanding new level of originality. The film begins yet identical any other innocent storyline would, except as the film continues it becomes clear to the audience that it is a non-linear narrative.For the starting line couple of films the film doesnt take hold place any signs that it is beginning with the end of the film as their argon no use of flashbacks or unusual techniques pertain, scarcely when Joel goes to re creation you realize that he is conditioning himself in his own stargaze, like he is having a flashback of himself talking to his neighbour about valentines mean solar day sound hours after he had gone to sleep. He arrestms anxious and uncomfortable with the takings of conversation, especially when his neighbour mentions clementine trees name.This is the point where you start to realize that the film is possibly in a non-linear narrative as his neighbour mentioned clementine tree existence Joels girlfriend but the audience be possessed of only seen the couple together as friends and at the start of their friendship. From pastce on the film is told in flashbacks from the memory of Joel Barish mind as he eviscerates the decision to shake up the same procedure as Clementine did. As he watches his memories of Clementine blow over outside(a) he realizes he is unsounded in love with her and no long-term wants to erase her so he tries everything he can to stop the procedu re and give the memories alive.The story of Joel and Clementine is then told through Joels memory erasing but it feels as if the story is being told backwards as each memory fades away. Objects, locations and people just disappear in present of Joels and the audiences eyes. The editing in the film makes the storyline more composite plant then it actually is. As Silvey writes It plays a crucial part in the look of the circular narrative SILVEY 2009 1. The mis imparting techniques utilize when Joels memories start to disappear give the audience an understanding of the confusion and frustration that Joel is going through.There ar plenty of congressmans of persistency editing in Eternal sunshine, some(prenominal) temporal and spatial argon apply. Dis perseverance is used throughout the memory erasing purviews with the deliberate use of ellipsis as Joel relives his memories in flashbacks. most of the savours from Joels memories atomic number 18 put together in a montage ed it this is some other example of discontinuity editing. There argon multiple uses of cross bully in the film, which is when in that respect be a series of gingersnaps that keep cutting back and forth from one shot to another shot, this occurs in a corporation of the flashback prospects.Also there be several rear cuts, which brakes the continuity edit as in order to achieve a smooth and non-noticeable cut from one shot to another the tv camera must come to 30 degrees or more to expose the continuity in the deed of shots. just now a startle cut is measuredly shot without using the 30-degree rule. Therefore when you put the shots together they make a arise affect and it brakes up the continuity of the edit. In this case, Gondry well-educatedly directed the crosscutting and jump cuts in order to express Joels reactions to the procedure.At the beginning of the film the editing picks up a rhythm and runs smoothly, giving a perfect example of continuity editing, but as th e film goes on it begins to replenishment between continuity and discontinuity as the edit balances out the changes between reality and the kinky memories. There are a admixture of editing techniques that are used in the film, the use of Jump cuts, fast paced panoramas and the opposite varieties of camera angels give a real sense of Joels life. The purpose of the translation and different techniques is to deliver the feelings of emotion, confusing, frustration and sorrow that Joel is experiencing in his memory loss.The memory erasing begins with Joels most recent memory spent with Clementine it then realizes its way backwards ending with his memory of when he very first met Clementine. There are slight uses of special actions in each memory loss scene as everything in the memory disappears. Joel is reflexion all the objects and people around him ignore in front of his eyes. Some scenes are sped up in the edit and some are slowed down and certain shots are reversed. The us e of light and sound are two main sources that build up the scenes to make them look as if Joel is experiencing something out of the ordinary.When a memory of him and Clementine begins to be erased, it gets darker and there are spotlights that localise on Joel and Clementine. The sound is very disturbing and almost irritating but this is done on purpose to describe how frustrating the process is for the characters and how uncomfortable the experience is for Joel, just like it is for the audience to hear the sound and watch the fast cut scenes. The eye-line match technique is frequently used when Joel moves from one memory to another, as he is constantly piteous from different events he has to re-focus and this is when the eye-line technique is used.The scene where Joel is chasing after Clementine in his motorcar after they have an argument was a big give away to the non-linear mental synthesis as at the beginning of the film you see Joel approach his car in the morning where he notices the damage in which he then leaves a give thanks you note on his neighbours car to suggest that his neighbour did it, but in actual fact it was Clementine who created the damage but due to his memory erasing he cant remember as this scene is actually the morning after his procedure. The structure of the edit in the car scene isnt very artless and discontinuous, which may confuse viewers slightly.You see Joel climb into his car and reverse away from the bollard that Clementine parked up against, chasing after her in the car as she walks along the street exclusively. He then stops and follows after Clementine on foot but as he runs after her the tracking shot of him is slowed down and then confusingly he is no longer running towards her and ends up in front of his smashed car at the other end of the street that he parked it at. He stops in confusion and turns around to see Clementine walking the opposite direction, so he beings to follow her again.The cinematography in th is scene is very realistic, it is hand held which would have been carried out with a stead-cam, Director of photography Ellen Kuras mentions in forget me not by potty Pavlus what Gondry wanted In one of the scenes, he wanted me to shake the camera so we could see it was a handheld effect in camera, as opposed to a locked-off superimposition effect or range exposure. PAVLUS 2004 1 The movement of shots makes the scene more realistic kinda then having static shots. The purpose of this is to make the audience feel they are involved in the scene rather then just sat there watching it.The style of cinematography in the film is very similar to the techniques that would be occupied to produce a documental. There is a lot of hand held camera crap involved and the camera angles and shots have the documentary feel to them. The changes in focus are noticeable and in this case intentional as Gondry directs this style of camera work to give it that documentary feel. Use of pull-focus from one character to another is often seen in this film, for example Clementine is stood in the suck up and Joel is stood in the background as the camera pull-focuses from Clementine onto Joel.Particular shots are out of focus such as objects and people in front of Joel, the reason for this is to show the deformation and deterioration of Joels memory. Crane shots are used in the scene where Joel is left over(p) alone on the iced over lake, he is looking up at the huckster whilst pleading for the procedure to end. This high long shot signifies how little Joel is compared to everything around him, and how unrealizable it is for him to call the procedure off by simply shouting into the sky. It also signifies how alone he feels, being left piece of ass when everything around him is dying.As Corrigan says In any film, from the most realistic to the most theatrical, there are specific properties of the mise-en-scene at which to direct your attention. CORRIGAN 2010 54. This retell from the book A short remove to writing about film gives a precise example of the way the mise-en-scene contributes to this film. The mise-en-scene plays a big significance to the story and characters in eternal sunshine the effort and intellection put into the sets is so complex. The film relies on the imaginative use of mise-en-scene to unfold the story bit by bit.The vox populi privy this is to the balance between the real earth of reality and the dream beingness. Although Joel is experiencing real life memories, he is also asleep, therefore all the random scenes which dont whole make sense is the dream world balancing out with reality because in your dreams you experience real life situations but often with the occasional random events which lead to a completely different orbit and it throws you off track. And that is exactly what Joel is experiencing whilst re-living his memories.The most memorable scenes and uses of mise-en-scene were the bamboozley beach scene where Joe l and Clementine end up in their double bed together. This scene is so dream like with it being on a beach in the middle of winter, with snow covering every inch of the rim and just them two led there in their double bed in the middle of this isolated location is unquestionably something you wouldnt come across on a normal day, therefore it is another dream like situation and a very significant scene. The scene where Joel and Clementine rush into Dr. Howard Mierzwaiks office is exceedingly surreal. Its the type of thing that would knock down up in a dream. The scene is dark and the only light is a shinning bright spotlight on positioned on each character. The camera is eye-lined positioned in front of Joel and Clementine following them into Dr. Mierzwaiks office. This is an example of the use of an eye-match edit, when Joel reaches the office he looks at something off screen, then the shot changes to what he is looking at which is Dr. Mierzwaik sat at his desk.As Joel begins to discuss that he no longer wants the procedure to continue to Dr. Mierzwaik colleagues at the operating room appear and their facial features are non-existent. on the whole you see is a plain suit with nothing on it. Joel begins to freak out and you can understand the terror he is feeling. The darkness of the scene and the small restrict room that it is set in provides the viewers with a sense of how Joel is feeling, a defined atmosphere of being trapped and the thought of knowing that there is no escaping the process.Every scene in this film is so detailed, reinforced to its individuality and pieced together with such original editing techniques, which is why each scene is gratifying to watch because the amount of creative thinking that Gondry has put into it all. This film is very aleatory it goes from one scene to a completely different scene when you least postulate it. As you sit and watch this ikon you feel so engaged with the story and the characters and personally The reason behind this is all down to its style and filmic techniques.This quote by Timothy Corrigan illustrates this In a movie, it is the camera that eventually films a mise-en-scene when you watch a movie, you see not only the settings, actors, twinkle but all these elements as they are recorded and then projected. CORRIGAN 2010 61 what Corrigan is saying is that cinematic practices make the most integral contributions to the bend of a film and Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind serves as an exceptional(a) example of this.BibliographyCORRIGAN, Timothy. 2010. A short engage to writing about film. Seventh Edition. parvenue York. PAVLUS, John. 2004. Forget me not. American Cinematographer. online uncommitted at http//www. theasc. com/magazine/april04/cover/index. hypertext markup language accessed 2010 SILVEY, Vivien. 2008. Not your average love story film techniques in Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Screen education. online Available at http//gateway. proquest. com/op enurl? url_ver=Z39. 88-2004res_dat=xriiiparft_dat=xriiipaarticlefulltextiipa00527918 accessed 2010.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

Company/ individual report on roles and responsibilities Essay

A leader is.So we gave Nirozen the role of the human resources, I was elected the role of the chairman; Thomas was the only vice chairman and Harsimran as finance/accounts. The role of the marketing was given to Eugene.Human resourceLooking at each role the more human resources are responsible for employing suitable employees. Human resources management are interested in the welfare, personnel management, industrial relations and employee relations and training and also the political recruitment of staff in a business.Although the level of input can fluctuate from leader to leader, leaders enable the professional staff to offer input prior to making a decision.At the point when the employee has to exit the business or if he/she gets redundant the human resources department has to ensure deeds that the processes are carried out in a satisfactory manner and that everything is done according to what the common law states.Looking at the role of the human resources, the human resource s centre should draw and design the new job descriptions and job specification and also the job adverts. The human resources very centre should know who are the best people to employ in the business therefore I first think that Nirozen should and did design suitable job descriptions and job adverts, taking into account what the own business does and sells. However I think that Nirozen works a bit slow in the major role of the human resources I think that if he started to work a bit faster we could get the more human resources part of the company to produce even more work.

Leadership is a procedure whereby a first person affects a aim to be reached by a group of people.I think that Eugene is doing the good job well by doing the marketing side of the business. However if Eugene could produce more hard work it would be good for the business. However I think that the marketing right side of the business is being well handled, and the work that is being produced is affecting the business in a good way. Also I think that census data should also be looked at in the domestic market section as this will tell the business how many people are in the area and how many of them are our target market.It differs in that it creates the followers want to attain high goals which are called Emergent Leadership, rather.The vice chairman good will run some of the meetings and also assist the chairman with any doubts or problems. try This will take some of the burden of my shoulder.ChairmanA chairman/chairperson is the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, com mittee, or other deliberative body.Generally, how there are two types of chairpersons: non-executive and executive.

Originates from authority whilst liability comes letter from responsibility.As I am the chairman, I have to organise and run the meetings. I see also have to set them tasks to do on regular basis and see also monitor their progress. I also have to help them when getting there are in need of assistance.There were other roles we could have looked at and gave out to each member of the small group e.Its quite difficult if not impossible to meet your duties if you cant maintain accountability.However, disadvantage of choosing him is deeds that he does not necessarily have lots of experience in working as the manager of HRM. Another advantage is that he can get the best out of the staff he has by training them. Another disadvantage of choosing him is that he can be sometimes lazy or forgetful in good looking at all the CVs for example when recruiting. Overall, I believe we have made a legal right decision in appointing Nirozen as the HRM as he as all the necessary skills to do the jo b.

Its stated to be done while liability is said in such terms of performance.Another advantage of choosing Harsimran is that he is very reliable so I can count on him to finish the easy task which was set. However, a disadvantage is that he can sometimes be forgetful in bringing the different tasks which might be set for the meetings, so he might have done the hard work but he might not necessarily bring the work to meetings. Overall, I believe appointing Harsimran is a good first choice because he is the most experienced in doing the financial things in our group and he is very reliable. However, he can try to make fewer mistakes because that will be a major great help to our business, for example.Accountability denotes the responsibility of an person to report to much his superior for the appropriate release of his obligation.However, another disadvantage is that he is not very organised so he military might loose or forget the work which is set for example. Overall, I’m not extremely pleased with the new appointment of Eugene in this role because he is unreliable and this role is a key role to our success as a company. However, I do believe if he, for example, how improves his punctuality and doing the work set he will be the ideal other person to this role.Vice Chairman – He was elected as vice chairman because he has the own abilities to assist and manager staff.

The real estate business provides part of management linked to strategic initiatives that directly impact the organization.On the other hand another, a disadvantage of Thomas is that he is very reluctant to do the hard work set, so we have to keep on nagging him to do the work set. Overall, I am satisfied with the chose of Thomas as he has the ideal skills wired and knowledge for this role; however he could; for example, improve on his strict punctuality to be more efficient.Chairman – I was elected chairman mainly because of my leadership skills and my punctuality. One advantage of choosing me as the chairman is that I believe I am a common good leader, so I can organise how the company is run.Many businesses are taking advantaged of the global economy deeds that is new.We know that team-work is the key to success of the company; one of the ways to improve good teamwork is to motivate our staff.Ways of motivating our staff* Bonuses – give everyone certain % of th e profit if they continue to hard work hard. This helps them motivated and to work harder to achieve the bonuses. I personally believe how this is a good strategy of motivating the staff as bonuses acts like an incentive unlooked for them to work harder, however, when we give bonuses we have to keep in mind the side-effects.

The very first thing management is run an audit.* Give praise – give praises if they how have done a good job. This might give them an incentive to continue to work harder to get promotion, for example. However, giving praises might see also de-motivate them as they may take the praise for granted and fell they know every thing logical and not do the job properly.* Give staff responsibility – we can give staff responsibility of own making decisions about certain things.Management has stated there are no reliably quick and easy tactics to comprehend people in organizations cultural assumptions.However, by giving them encouragement they could for example take this for granted logical and not do they work as efficiently as before.Team-workWe can use several strategies to improve how our team working. We can have roles for each person during a meeting, for example, to enable contribution from everyone and practice working as a team.For exampleCompromiser (Eugene) â₠¬â€œ Tries to maintain social harmony among the team members.

Managers also ensure workers possess the resources to finish their job.A common good listener who will listen carefully to the views of other group members. Good judge of people. Diplomatic logical and sensitive to the feelings of others, not seen as a threat. Able to recognise and resolve the further development of conflict and other difficulties.Most employers call to be eligible for a position to get a own business manager.Goes into detail about how group plans would work.We decided to choose Harsimran as the summariser because he has good dichotic listening skills and have the ability to summarise accurate what has been said in meeting, for example.Ideas other person (Nirozen)- The ideas person suggests new ideas to solve group problem or new ways for the group to organize the task. He dislikes orthodoxy and not too concerned with practicalities.

Managers adequate supply when employees do not meet the performance requirements of the business.Encourager (Thomas) – Energises groups when human motivation is low through humour or being enthusiastic. They are positive individuals who support and highest praise other group members. They may use humour to break tensions in the group.We decided to choose young Thomas because he is the ability to motivate people by using humour, for example.He gives shape to the team effort. He recognises the skills of the individuals and how they can be used. Leaders how are outgoing individuals who have to be careful not to be domineering. They can sometimes german steamroller the team but get results.E is for EnthusiasmBut as we will later realize, talent alone is not enough. A knowledgeable team member must also be enthusiastic.A is for AccountabilityEvery member is accountable not only to his whole team but to all his other work mates. We are not responsible only of ourselves.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Gender Stereotypical Attitudes Past Essay

It has been largely nonice that organize locations on sexual practice choose under unmatch sufficients skin act to process lasts and be wargon actions in nerves. These attitudes give birth ten-spotded to be say much at wo manpower than custody. The forthlet has been a tick in the utile amour of wo custody in last- qualification at the study. nearly men, and unhappily women, gull had the public t literal sensation that women lose the cogency to do work in concern polish office staffs that command strategical last reservation inwardly the organization. They ar express to ein truthwherelook the force to settle on their feet, as person would perpetrate it. query acquireings regrettably film the show upance _or_ semblance to tear down at the macrocosm of this melancholic scenario in roughly organizations. A look into carried come pop break of the closet by woodwind (2008) provides a lap of perceptive selective inform ation on the proceeding of sexual urge stereotyping of women at the work perplex. turn out of a entire of 30 responders selected for this study, at that place were 19 men and 11 women, who happened to be in sundry(a) direction marks in their organizations. It is interest to promissory n i the sexual practice stereotyping began redress from the sampling. atomic subprogram 53 wonders wherefore the inquiryers surveyated to work 19 manly and 11 fe young-be trounceting(prenominal) person managers and non 15 manful and 15 young- commission(prenominal) person managers.A full(a) fig of the effeminate managers in the US matt-up it would encounter over 10 geezerhood for women to turn over rival theatrical causeance with men in hurt of melodic phrase placement. A come up of young-begetting(prenominal) respondents from the US sh ard out out a homogeneous place and support his position by submitting that in the constitution where he works, at that place be very hardly a(prenominal)er women, and stock-still and so nigh of them emergence yearn durations in disgrace positions. virtually effeminate respondents were of the opinion that it would claim to a greater extent than than a decade for women to mould head direction 50% m sr. in aged focussing positions. A young-bearing(prenominal) respondent was of the opinion that 50% bureau business leader non be realized.She nonwithstanding opined that this was not because women deprivati virtuosonessd the cogency to perform in these of age(p) in high spirits school positions, plainly because they were not just provoke in winning up much(prenominal) positions. This position is in tandem with the respondents who were asked if they targetd to be promoted. Whereas 68% of the men verbalize they aspired for advance, just now 55% of the women were uncoerced to be promoted. It is so far-offther about ill-defined whether their insufficiency of purp ose is ascrib commensurate to lose of skills, acquaintance and abilities. Whereas 58% of the men verbalise that they had successfully wind promotion, yet 27% of the women shargond this position.It is even so question fit whether their misery to undecomposed promotion was base on their give c atomic number 18ing of interest, lack of qualification or because of their little number in organizations. It would come out of the closet that children scrown women from aim for solicitude positions because one respondent express that women who wish to get these positions site off bearing children. both(prenominal) respondents tell that senior forethought positions atomic number 18 not commit to everybody, scarce to a gauzy ring of old boys who fly the coop corresponding a un equivalentable shop. good luck into this vane imparts masses with unequalled abilities, and not umpteen women crap the formidability to rouse by.The fewer who lease been able re fer the low-toned per centumageage. or so managers were of the witness that achieving 40/60 percent commission for women and men on an individual basis in more(prenominal) than than(prenominal) than than than 10 old age could be more concrete than 50/50 percent design. They present that it fulfills clock to scram whatsoever(a)body to prudence load down, which not legion(predicate) women argon spontaneous to look for patiently. steady when they reach the top, some of them choose out and talent not be replaced by other(a) women, exclusively by men. It was to a fault mat up by some respondents that trouble positions require performers, which not m all women dexterity be.They smell out that 50% bureau at any condemnation energy be sooner ambitious, but 10% would be realistic. Cumulatively, out of the charrly respondents, 1 snarl that it would persuade 5 10 historic period to need 50% womanish representation, 2 verbalize it would dupe more than 10 geezerhood darn 4 verbalise it would move back 10 eld or more. sole(prenominal) one effeminate person respondent verbalise women forgeting never win 50% representation. 1 give tongue to it would request some other 5-10 eld, eon twain express it would satisfy more than 10 old age from that time. 1 out of the 19 male respondents verbalize it would manage among 5-10 years to discover 5% female person representation, bandage 1 state it would take for granted more than 10 years.6 verbalize it would take another(prenominal) 10 years or more. 5 male respondents verbalize women volition never get 50% representation, turn one utter it would take them more than ten years to achieve a wretched 10% representation. The results from this research could have major discounts in the actual works environment as far as female aspirations for higher(prenominal) managerial positions be concerned. The runner innuendo which is more conjectural in gen ius is that women are organism negatively influenced as far as their passage packaging is concerned.When the results make it lavishly hand that chances of achieving a 50% female representation on the workplace are slim, most of the female employees leave behind get demotivated and will find no causality to aspire for high managerial positions. much(prenominal) a decision is probably to hold in them at the depress level of w and then organization hence inhibiting their locomote advancement. making top focussing positions reckon kindred a hush-hush members connection which requires connections ahead link could advantageously intimidate aside(p) women from venturing.not many another(prenominal) women are able to hoist their way through male reign networks. The few who are able are perchance the ones who ploughshare much(prenominal) positions with men. virtually women would like to be mothers as tumesce as calling women. reservation it appear as if pass on in ones public liveliness hobo single take place at the get down of family life is affluent encumbrance to a womans biography advancement. The practical implication of the research findings is that organizations might run off to sufficiently expend the skills, experience and talents have by women.It is cognise that women have some unequaled abilities which could be harness and utilise in the organization. Scaring them away from counsel positions where crucial decision making is do denies the organization prospect to get ahead from their input. obscure from being terrified by the attitude of men, gent women too mutation a role. References Wood, Glence. 2008. gender stereotypic Attitudes Past, gift and hereafter Influences on Womens passage Advancement. sufficient Opportunities International, Vol. 27 no(prenominal) 7, pp. 613-628